Manajemen Konflik Pada SD Negeri Kalasey Satu Kecamatan Mandolang Kabupaten Minahasa

Nortje Sumolang. (Foto: Istimewa)

Oleh: Nortje Sumolang
Penulis Utama: D. C. Kambey,
Pembimbing I: Ellen S. Kambey

Editor: Maher Kambey

TONDANO ( – Focused on how the conflict was managed at SD Negeri Kalasey Satu It could be described as followed:

(1) the types of conflict at SD Negeri Kalasey Satu This investigation used qualitative approach Based on data analysis, the findings were as follows (13)
Type of sources of conflict:
(a) type of sources of conflict between individualisties student versus other student, teacher versus student, teacher versus teacher, and teacher versus headmaster,
(b) type of sources of conflict between individuality, 1 group student versus students, teachers versus teacher and headmaster versus teachers,
(c) type of sources of conflict between groups, students versus students, and teachers versus toachers

(2) The strategis used by the head master to handle the conflict:
(a) for conflict between individual student, the headmaster used problem solving
(b) for teacher versus student, problem solving and smoothing,
(c) for teacher versas teacher, problem solving and compromise
(d) for teacher versus headmaster, used avoidance and compromise,
(e) for student versus students, used problem solving,
(f) for teacer versus tencers, avoidance and compromise,
(g) for teachers versus headmaster, problem solving and authoritative,
(h) students versus students, used problem solving and
(i) for teachers versus teachers, used problem solving, avoidance and authoritative command

(3)The resistances faced by the headmaster in managing the conflict were
(a) the plurality of teache and students background,
(b) conflict between students is often related to their parents,
(c) conflict between teachers is sometimes difficult to get agree with each other,
(d) the students parents were in the school yard,
(e) public resistance.

(4) The ways of the headmaster in handling the resistance were
(a) the headmaster were using approach in accordance with the theory of management conflict,
(b) mobilize all the staff to overcome the conflict,
(c) to put in action the function of management

Keywords: Management conflict

Nortje Sumalang, Penulis Utama, DC Kambey, Pebimbing I; E. S. Kambey Pembimbing ortsmolangyaboo.cutti Program Studi S2 Manajemen Pendidikan Program Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Manado, Kampus C UNIMA Kleak Manado, 95115. Telp (0431) 822335 Fax (0431) 822335

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